After a whirlwind month of selling his stimulus and budget plans and his announcement on Afghanistan Friday, the president leaves for a week in Europe for the G-20 Summit and NATO Summit on Tuesday.
“We’re fortunate that the president has agreed to do an interview this Sunday,” Bob Schieffer told CBSNews.com before giving some hints on his questioning.
“The economic crisis continues to dominate the news, but there are so many other issues which are getting less attention,” he explained, noting Afghanistan and Iraq. “We’ll ask the president to weigh in on those issues he has not discussed as much in addition to the economy.”
Schieffer has interviewed every sitting president since Nixon and serves as the moderator of ‘Face The Nation’ and CBS’ Chief Washington Correspondent. Check your local listings to find out when and where “Face the Nation” airs in your area Sunday morning. - CBS News
It sure would be nice if this President would spend more time doing his job instead of getting face time on every possible TV show out there. It isn't like the economy is in the can, people are losing their jobs, North Korea is ready to fire a rocket, Afghanistan needs a plan, Mexico is becoming a war right on our own border, the national deficit is growing by leaps and bounds, the dollar is about to be replace as the world currency, but hey what the hell. I want to do Jay Leno, Let's have a Prime Time Snooze Conference, What about face the Nation, I am sure that we can do Hannah Montana and probably Sponge Bob when you get back from Europe.
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