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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Obama's Afghan Policy - More of the Same

The White House is gearing up to reveal its Afghan policy in an announcement expected by the end of the week.

There won't be any new name for the White House's new Afghan strategy – one official here at the Pentagon told me they tried but it really isn't anything new – "just more of the same of what we're already doing."

American troop presence could go as high as 70,000 – that's 10,000 more than currently planned. That means more U.S. troops training Afghan troops, more patrols to provide more daily security for ordinary Afghans, and more social and civil outreach by NATO and the U.S. State Department. - CBS News Story

Are you serious? That is the strategy? This is what the President and his team has come up with?

I thought that part of the Iraq problem was that it took resources away from Afghanistan. If we are doing more of the same what is new?

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