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Friday, October 24, 2008

Obama's Health Care Plan

As I was driving to work this morning I was blessed with an Obama ad about his new Health Care Plan for all of America. I don't make a lot of money so I was very interested to hear about it, and since I was a captive audience in my car I listened very tentatively.

What I heard in their own words was, Obama will force lower prices for Health Care. That sounds great. I could use the extra money that I would save.

Obama will force them to provide for preventive care. Sounds Great also. I could use some preventive care.

Obama will force them to provide for pre-existing conditions. Awesome, I can get things covered by insurance even if I have it before I get the care from them.

This Health Care Plan sounds fantastic. I can't believe that anyone would be bashing this plan. This plan will most definitively help all Americans. I should rush out and vote for this plan.

WAIT!!!! How is this really going to work? They have to provide me with a whole lot more coverage than they are providing me now, yet charge less? How? Are they making such a windfall off of us now that they can absorb the massive cut in income and the increase in expenditures? This sounds an awful like we are headed for a Health Care Melt Down very similar to the economic one we are now facing. The Plan will force providers out of business, unless the Government is going to help fund it. hmmmmmmmm!!!!

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