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Monday, October 20, 2008

Can you buy the White House?

Obama has smashed all records for money spent on an election. Far outspending any other Candidate in the history of the United States. Can you buy your way to the White House?

Public financing, which restricts how much cash a candidate can raise, is meant to curb the influence of money in presidential campaigns. It was set out to keep special interests and lobbyist from pouring tons of money into a Candidates campaign where they would receive favors after their Candidate won.

Obama is the first major party candidate to opt out of public campaign financing in the general election since the law was enacted in 1971 and revised in 1974. This seems odd especially in light of the state of the Economy. Where is all of this money coming from? Obama's September take was made possible by more than 630,000 new donors, who contributed an average donation of just under $100, according to the Obama campaign. With the economy in the tank and everyone hurting, who can afford to throw this kind of money around? Is it normal, everyday, main street Americans making the $100 donations? Or, more likely the big boys looking for favors donating thousands, $100 at a time. That way it is off the radar. You don't have to report those small donations.

Is all of this money corrupting the fabric of Democracy in America?

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