It seems that just maybe the picture is becoming clearer as to who had the bigger ego in the whole mess in Green Bay earlier this year. Maybe it was the almighty Brett Favre that had the ego that couldn't get over himself.
He made it a point to call Tony Romo and talk to him about his injury and didn't call his old back up QB in Green Bay?!
Now everyone is up in arms that he would go out of his way to call the Detroit Lions and spend 60-90 minutes on the phone with their coaches to assist them in how to defeat the Green Bay Packers. Sabotaging your old team!!! How about dropping a big old steaming bag of crap, right on the guys that you called your friends.
I haven't been much of a Favre fan since the whole I'm going to think about quitting over the off season, but will let you know, stuff all started a few years ago. I thought then that he could care less about the GB Packers and his team mates. Now I feel vindicated, he has proven my point to all those people that said I was wrong for not backing the almight Favre. Thanks Brett, I really needed your help on this one!!!!
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