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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Is Voter Fraud an issue?

Every election it seems that there is more and more talk and court challenges surrounding voter fraud. Is there a real problem out there?

I don't know if there is a real problem out there or not, but it does make you wonder if things are headed in the right direction under these circumstances.

When you hear the person in charge of the elections in Ohio say that there are some 200,000 registrants that have an issue with them, but does not seem ready to address the issue to be sure that it will not turn in to voter fraud. Wouldn't it be just as important to make sure that this isn't going to be voter fraud as is to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to vote?

I am also trying to figure this whole get out the vote thing. Groups like ACORN, and Republican ones as well. They are out on the streets just signing people up. Does it matter that some of these people don't have a clue what they are doing. They don't know anything about the Candidates other than what that person signing them up is telling them. Would you or sign our names on the dotted line at a car dealership or mortgage office just because the person sitting across from us told us it was good for us. (Maybe that was a bad analogy considering the credit mess we are in, but hopefully you get my drift.) Howard Stern has a video where they went out and asked people if they were voting for Obama, if they said yes they asked them if it was because he planned on keeping up the war, again they said yes, then if they thought his pick of Sarah Palin as VP was good, and again they said yes. Isn't that a problem?

I don't know if all of it adds up to voter fraud, but it sure sounds like a problem. I guess it just wasn't good of enough, those of us who have voted all along. We haven't done a good enough job of picking our leaders so we must need help.

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