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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New Infrormation Proves IRS Cover Up

The President and the Democrats have contended all along that there has not been not one single shred of evidence that there was any cover up or coordinated effort.

Well not as the probe continues and more information continues to flow out it is becoming clear that the President and Democrats where actually correct.  There isn't one single shred of evidence, there is overwhelming evidence that there was a coordinated effort to target conservative groups and that there was a coordinated effort to cover it up.

The latest bombshell is from an IRS Lawyer that states that Lois Lerner's blackberry was intentionally wiped after the investigation into her started.  If that is a major piece of evidence of a cover up I can't imagine what is.  Add that to the long list of Computers that mysteriously had been wiped or misplaced or lost that contained evidence.  Also to the multiple times that that leaders within the IRS have had to change their stories as new evidence has come out.

There was a concerted effort on the Left to paint this investigation as a biased witch hunt and conspiracy theory by the Right. 

I think that any person with half a brain now has little doubt that it was a conspiracy theory and that it very well may be a witch hunt.  It is a witch hunt to get to the bottom of this and by bottom I think we mean high high up the chain did it go.  It is fairly clear that Lois Lerner is doing her best to keep it from coming to light and she has some very powerful allies on her side.  Who or what are they trying to protect? 

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