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Monday, July 7, 2014

Wisconsin Senator in Court against Obama

Sen. Ron Johnson will be in court today for a hearing on his suit against the Obama Administration.

Sen. Johnson has filed suit challenging Obama's changing of laws with the stroke of a pen.  The specific law he is challenging is the one that gave Congress and it's employees basically a waiver in regards to Obamacare. 

Even though that is what the lawsuit is in regards too, the ruling would have much wider implications.  It would challenge much of what Obama has done over the last several years with his pen instead of Congress. 

Obama took a beating in the Supreme Court with his overreach in recess appointments and many in the legal world believe that he has drastically over extended on his power with the changing of laws and regulations without approval from Congress.

Many on the left will argue that he did it out of necessity because the Republicans blocked his efforts.  That is true.  However that is what the Constitution intended.  It was put in place to allow the power to make laws and regulations in the hand of the legislative branch.  It also was put in place so that one branch did not have to much power and would be subject to checks and balances from the other branches.  The Republicans majority in the House was picked by the people of America.  Therefore, they are acting within their Constitutional rights to block legislation.  As is Obama in his Constitutional right to Veto legislation.  However the question that is now being asked of the third part of Government is, Is the Executive Branch allowed to change laws and regulations without the legislative branch?  Most legal experts say emphatically NO! 

It is about time that this is called into question and hopefully the Courts will act with a sense of urgency to resolve this and move our Country forward.

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