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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Term Limits for Politicians

Politics have gotten to be big business.  Politicians are spending millions on campaigns and making millions along the way. 

Our Government was suppose to be "for the people, by the people"

Well not so much anymore.  Politicians are running our country and not necessarily for the people and most definitely not by the people.

We need to enact term limits for politicians.  If we limit the amount of time someone can be a Senator or member of Congress we can start getting rid of these lifelong politicians that spend their whole time trying to keep their job instead of making the hard choices that a politician should make.  These people won't reform entitlements or cut the deficit because they are afraid of not being re-elected.

We also need to get rid of the golden net for these people.  Only allow a short time frame for them to be in Congress and then they go back to being a normal citizen like you and I.

That way the decisions that they make while being in Congress are the laws and rules that they will live by when they get out.  They won't have a different set of rules and regulations designed for them.  They will be forced to make the hard choices and live by the decisions they make. 

Then and only then will we truly see a Government for the people by the people.

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