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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Hillary Clinton Pre 2016 Media Tour Falls Flat

Hillary Clinton who has tried to use her book tour and the media to set herself up for the 2016 race to the White House has found herself hurting her image instead of improving it.

She has made mistake after mistake and has actually taken a hit among Democrats.  Her approval amongst Democrats has dropped some 11 points since she started her book tour.  From her claims of being broke and in debt to trying to say she was just like us struggling to make her house payments.  All the while her and Bill where bringing in Millions. 

Now she is trying to distance herself from President Obama.  She will also eventually have to figure out a response to Benghazi that will sell, because that is going to haunt her all the way through.

I think that she may have lost her shot at the White House.  Obama has tainted the well too much for a Democrat to win in 2016.  It was the same way in the 2008 election.  After Bush there was no way, no matter who the Republican Candidate was, that a Republican was going to win.  That is going to hold true in 2016 for the Democrats.  The only chance I think Clinton had of winning the White House was for her and the Democrats to push for her to win out over Obama and take out a sitting President from their own party. 

I think had they done that in 2012 we would be looking at a whole different political landscape and the Democrats could have been looking at a chance to hold the White House in 2016.

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