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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sueing the President, Good or Bad?

The House is expected to approve the Lawsuit against the President today for breaching his constitutional duties by failing to enforce laws as written and for changing laws without the approval of Congress.

Is this a good or a bad thing?

It is always a bad thing when one branch of Government has to fight with another branch in the courts to decide who is right.

However, it appears that it is a needed lawsuit at this time to help put our Government back into proper operation.  There has been such a divided Government in Washington that I think we have failed to operate within the confines of the Constitution. 

There has been so many things that have changed over the last several years that have pushed the envelope on how the Government is suppose to work.  The President has overstepped his authority on many occasions and has been called on it by the Supreme Court.  Even his own appointees have agreed that he has overstepped.  Senate Leader Harry Reid has changed the rules in the Senate to allow them to pass appointees through. 

It is time that we call on the Courts to help sort this out.  It is time that we pull back these activities and get back to how the Government was meant to run.

The Constitution was set up so that no branch had too much power.  The President and Harry Reid were frustrated under the constitution that their power was put in check.  They changed the rules.  Both sides claim to right in their decisions.  So now we need the court to weigh in and make the ultimate decision.

Again, it is so very sad that it has gotten to this, but I think it is necessary.  There are checks and balances on the power for a reason and to take them out have caused chaos.  Time to put them back in.

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