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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Impeach Obama

Impeach Obama.  Lets face it, many on the Right have thought about it.  This President's Administration has committed more crimes than Nixon could have dreamed of.  He has overstepped his authority on so many occasions that we have lost track.  The IRS Scandal alone is bigger than Nixon's Watergate and yet nothing.  Forget about the Black Panther suit during the election, forget about Benghazi, the Terrorist Negotiations, VA Scandal, Border Crisis, Iraq Situation, Afghanistan, Syria, Israel, Obamacare and did I forget any? 

Yep we have thought about it.  However there really hasn't been any talk of Impeaching the guy.  Well at least not until Obama himself and his Democratic friends started talking about it.  They are using it to try and fire up their base to hold on to the Senate. Yep the Senate is their all important prize right now.  Without the Senate they can no longer stall Congress.  They can no longer keep anything from getting done. 

They like to blame the Republicans for the stalled Congress, however it is just as much on the Democrats in the Senate as it is the Republicans in the House.  The Senate stops every bill passed by the House of Representatives because it is controlled by Republicans.  The same for the House stopping the Senate.  Just put the bills up for a vote.  If they fail they fail, if not they pass and Obama has to decide on a Veto.

The Senate is the prize this election year.  If the Senate stays in the control of the Democrats then the Status Quo will be preserved.  Nothing will get done and Obama will continue to overstep his authority by Executive Action instead of by Congress.  That will be because again nothing will be getting done because of Politics on both sides.  Should the Senate fall to the Republicans then you are sure to see bill after bill passed and senate to the President for his Veto.  Nothing again will get done, but it will all fall on the President's lap and the Democrats don't want that.

So now we are back to the Impeachment talk.  The Democrats have to rally their base which has dwindled to less than enthusiastic under Obama's second term.  They can't allow the Senate to fall.  They can't allow everything to fall on the President.  This will have lasting effect going into the next Presidential Election.  So yes the stakes are high. 

It is all about the SENATE!!!!

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