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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Drunk Driving law would cost to much?

"Making first offense drunken driving a crime in Wisconsin will cost at least another $8.3 million a year." - WTMJ Story.

Another proposal being discussed would make third and fourth offense drunken driving a felony. Another legislative fiscal bureau memo shows that would cost more than $100 million a year, mostly because more people would be imprisoned." - WTMJ

Tavern League lobby opposes tougher penalties for first offenses." - WTMJ

This appears to be a conflict within the State of Wisconsin. There is a big marketing campaign going on from the DOT here in Wisconsin on Zero Traffic related fatalities. I wonder how much that is costing? Couldn't we use some of that money to fund this? They say with the deficits that we are facing here in Wisconsin that either one of the proposals would have a hard time passing. I am sure that there is money that we are wasting on stupid things like the DOT Campaign that could be used to get this going.

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