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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The FBI and DOJ Double Standard

I have sat and watched the Clinton Email Scandal play out.  The so called investigation in which there was no special council and plenty of questionable things.  I don't think that there is a reasonable person in the United States that doesn't think that what Clinton did with the email server was quite questionable if not down right illegal.  We haven't even discussed the actions taken after the investigation began with destroying the servers and phones and such.  Yet there was no special prosecutor and the matter was decided by the then FBI Director James Comey.

Many of the people involved were found to have lied or destroyed evidence and yet nobody was ever charged.  As a matter of fact many were given immunity.

Why wasn't a special prosecutor assigned to this?

To answer that question all you have to do is look at the Mueller investigation.  Could you possibly imagine what we would have found out if an investigation began into the Clintons with an open see where the investigation takes you attitude.  Can you guess how many people in power would have been charged with some form of crime.

I have never liked the way the Special Prosecutor works.  How they start with something that is very big and end up with these silly low level charges that cost the American People millions of dollars and had nothing to do with anything that started the investigation.  The way it seems to work right now is that your neighbor says, "hey I think my neighbor is up to something and it may be terrorism".  They open an investigation, raid your home, pull all your information, question everyone you know and say we think you may be involved.  You spend thousands on lawyers to defend you, they keep coming for months, trashing your name and costing you thousands.  Then in the end they charge you with not paying the right amount on your taxes.  They went through your whole life and ruined your reputation, bankrupted you and charged you with something that had nothing to do with why they were investigating.

That is the America we now live in.

They pick and chose.  With Clinton it was handled with kid gloves and they got away with a lot.  With Trump it started as Trump working with Russia to win an election.  It has boiled down to lying and Porn stars.  What a shame.  I can't wait to see the bill for this whole thing.

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