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Monday, April 9, 2018

Jimmy Kimmel Takes Shots at Immigrants and Gays

Jimmy Kimmel decided that he would use his fame and ABC TV show to take shots at Immigrants and the gay community. 

Wait, What?  Isn't Kimmel in support of the Immigrants and the LGBT Community?  Isn't he supposed to be a champion of their causes?

It would appear that he decided to not show that support when he made fun of the First Lady for her accent and then refer to another talk show host with a gay bashing post on twitter.

It never stops amazing me that how people have such blatant double standards.  They get all upset if one side does something and then when their side does the same thing they try to make like it is ok.  It is never ok.  Neither side.  Set the standard and stick to the standard.

Shame on Kimmel! 

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