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Thursday, April 12, 2018

CNN and the National Enquirer

CNN long ago lost it's reputation of being an actual news source.  If you have to ask what happened you obviously don't pay much attention to them and the stupidity of their so called news. 

Today for fun I decided to pull up their website and almost fell out of my chair laughing so hard at what they have plastered all over the main page. 

"Reports: National Enquirer paid to kill a Trump rumor" the number 1 big story of the moment for CNN.  Seriously?  With all the real news out there and this is your number one big story.  Your must read for people is that the National Enquirer allegedly paid the doorman $30,000 to keep quiet about Trump's sex life?  I am laughing hysterically again as I type this. 

I guess they really do consider this news!  I decided to look at it deeper and the next story is a poll that CNN did.  "Most think National Enquirer is covering for Trump".  What?  Who the hell is the most people?  I follow the news and politics pretty close and if they called me I wouldn't even know what the hell they are talking about.  Yet according to their poll 56% of Americans believe that the supermarket tabloid has paid for stories to keep them unpublished. 

OK.  BRB.  I have to do a completely unscientific poll here.  Give me an hour.

I'm back.  I work with about 90% Democrats so this poll is quite skewed one way.  But I went and asked 24 people here 3 questions to see how it would turn out.  For easy math and because this isn't a scientific poll I'm going to just round the number to 25 so the % is easy. 

Question 1 - What do you know about the connection with Trump and the National Enquirer
88% Didn't know about a connection with Trump and the Enquirer

Question 2 - Do you think the Enquirer is covering for Trump?
60% wouldn't be surprised by it.

Well I will be damned.  The CNN Poll is right with my non scientific poll.  If I ask a vast majority of left leaning Democrats if they think the National Enquirer is covering for Trump, 60% wouldn't be surprised by it.  Even though 88% of them hadn't heard about any connection. 

CNN might be onto something here.  It is all in who and how you ask to get the results you want to make the headline work.

Nice work CNN, I stand corrected you truly are a real News Outlet.

Sorry I am once again laughing hysterically. :)

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