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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Will Bernie Supporters Fold their Values to Hillary?

For months Bernie Supporters have been ripping Hillary Clinton and her rigged system to the Nomination of the Democratic Party.

Now it is time to see if they were really serious or if they are just like all the other lambs out there and will now just fall in line and vote for her.  You can't have it both ways.  You can't seriously fight for change in the party and then when the establishment slaps you down, give up and fall in line.  If you truly support change then you have to be prepared to make that happen.

I think that no matter what you think of Donal Trump, you have to be amazed at what is happening in the Republican Party.  I think as a whole the American Public is sick and tired of the establishment and their failures.  Both Parties have seen their chosen nominees meet with a hard primary season and see the American Public respond.  The Democrats saw Bernie Sanders take Hillary to the brink and if not for the rigged system she would have lost out.  The American people fought the establishment and took down everything the Republicans through at them to send Donald Trump in as the nominee. 

I give it to the Republican Leadership for recognizing that the people have spoke and have begun supporting the nominee.  Yes you have people like Kasic, the Bush Family and several others who aren't supporting him, but most of them get it.  Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz and many others have in one way or another started backing him and helping him.  They understand that no matter what they may think, the American People are the ones that put him where he is. 

Unfortunately on the Democratic side the establishment has decided that they know better than the American People and have pushed Hillary Clinton instead of listening to the American people and their endorsement of Bernie Sanders. 

So the question will be, will the Bernie voters fall in line with the Democratic rigged establishment and support Hillary or fight against it?  Will they support her winning the Presidency like their party leaders want or will they boycott the party and force change?

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