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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Obama Uses Police Memorial to Push Politics

As I watched the Police Memorial in Dallas yesterday I was Extremely impressed with the Speeches by the Senator, Mayor, Chief of Police and President Bush.  They really touched on things that you talk about when you are at a Memorial.  They celebrated the lives of the Officers, Supported their families and talked about healing.

Then President Obama took to the Microphone.  I was impressed early on in the speech how he talked about the Officers and their families.  Then he decided to take a spin and turn it into a Political Stump speech.  He started talking about Black Lives Matter, Race and the shootings by Police officers.

I sat and watched in horror as the Police Officers and Families of the fallen sat visibly uncomfortable in the audience.  They stopped clapping and you could see them upset about the speech.

I have never been a big Obama Supporter obviously, but this just was absurd.  He was not a leader and he used this memorial to push his agenda.  It was sad and I felt for the families.  George Bush and the Police Chief showed more leadership and care for the Country than Obama did with much shorter speeches.  They did not pick sides, but talked of  healing and coming together.  

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