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Monday, May 5, 2014

Supreme Court OK's Prayer at Meetings

The Supreme Court got it right when they voted that an opening prayer at meetings does not violate the Constitution.

The Liberal Judges were against it.  Why is there an attack on Prayer? How does asking for guidance become a violation of the Constitution?

They aren't forcing everyone to participate, they are pushing their beliefs, they are asking for guidance to make the right decisions in the meetings.  Pretty simple.  It is amazing to me how the same people who are against prayer, crosses in civic buildings, can be the same ones who are out there preaching to us about inclusion and tolerance.  If you don't like something that other people are doing, don't do it.  If a prayer at a meeting isn't your cup of tea, don't be involved in the prayer.  Same thing with the National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance.  Lastly if these people were so against God being involved in the Government, don't take our money because it all says "In God We Trust"

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