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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Milwaukee DA and John Doe Probe Disregarded the Law

Federal Judge Rudolph Randa has come down hard on all of those involved in the John Doe investigation being spearheaded by Milwaukee DA.

The Milwaukee DA has been working for years to try and find some dirt on Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and those that support him.  His tactics have been what nightmares are made of.  Instead of having a crime and finding the evidence to prove it, he and his team have been raiding peoples homes, arresting people and holding them in jail and confiscating peoples personal belongings.  All in the hopes that he will find something that will give him a case.

He has overstepped the law and trampled on peoples civil rights.  Finally someone has stepped in and put a stop to it.  Of course they have appealed the decision and we will have to wait for that hearing.  Hopefully when that decision comes down and they uphold Judge Randa's decision that the legal powers to be go after all involved and hold them accountable.

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