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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Obama White House "Most Transparent in History"

No matter what your politics are, one thing is crystal clear, the Obama White House has been the most non-transparent and sleazy Administration in recent history. 

If Obama would have been the President during the Nixon time frame he would already have been impeached.  He has brought Chicago Style politics to the national stage.

It still is amazing how many from the left still support this man and his administration.  Benghazi alone should make everyone cringe.  Covering up mistakes made just to win an election?  Everyone makes mistakes and bad things happen, but to lie and cover up things just so you can win an election should send alarm bells off in every American.

However bad Benghazi is, this Administration just keeps the hits coming.  The IRS scandal.  Again, how any American could possibly think targeting people based off of their beliefs is OK blows me away.  When this happens the other way I am sure it wont be OK then, but remember, you set the precedent.

The continual stonewalling, covering up and obstruction by this White House proves that Transparency most definitely is not something that they will be known for.  America has become a lot less of a Dream than it used to be.

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