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Monday, July 6, 2009

Polls Show North Korea and China Biggest Security Threats

In a survey taken just before North Korea conducted a series of Fourth of July missile tests, 38% of likely voters say the rogue Communist nation remains the biggest threat to U.S. national security. This is the second month in a row for that finding, which puts North Korea at the head of the list of those nations voters view as national security concerns.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that voters think Russia, which President Obama is now visiting, is near the bottom of that list, with just three percent (3%) who see it as America's biggest threat.

Eighteen percent (18%) of voters now name China as the biggest danger to the United States, up six points from mid-June. Nuclear wannabe Iran falls just behind, with 17% of voters who see it as the biggest threat, showing no change from the last survey despite weeks of public unrest following disputed elections there.

Just eight percent (8%) say Pakistan is the biggest threat, while Afghanistan ties Russia with three percent (3%) concern. Only two percent (2%) view Iraq as the nation’s biggest national security threat. - Rasmussen Story

Isn't that interesting. North Korea hasn't even drawn much attention from the Obama Administration. Sure, we follow their ships around and intimidate them a little with our Military, but Obama seems intimidated himself. He has yet to engage them, instead falling behind the UN.

Then there is China. At the rate of our spending, using loans from China, they will own us soon enough. Obama is obviously in tune with this threat!?

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