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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Obama's Approval Ratings Continue to Fall

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 33% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-six percent (36%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of –3. Those figures reflect the highest level of strong disapproval measured to date and the lowest level recorded for the overall Approval Index (see trends).

It remains to be seen whether this decline in the President’s numbers is a temporary aberration, statistical noise, or something more significant. Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be the first update based entirely upon interviews conducted since last week’s report showing higher than expected job losses in June.


Overall, 52% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance so far. That, too, is a new low for the President. Forty-seen percent (47%) now disapprove. For other barometers of the President’s performance, see Obama By the Numbers or review recent demographic highlights from the tracking polls. - Rasmussen Reports Story

It appears to be that the honeymoon is over for Mr. Charismatic. He made it to the White House on his Charisma, his promises of Change, his Salesmanship. Now the American People had very High Expectations, in which he set for himself, and it appears that he is falling far short of those expectations.

He sold the American People on the Stimulus Package, he sold a Massive Budget, he sold the Plan to close Gitmo, he sold the Plan to withdraw from Iraq, he sold the plan to add more troops to Afghanistan. None of these are working out for a President whom is just getting started. People are already tired of being sold on things that don't appear to be working.

He is now trying to sell us on Health Care. All the meanwhile North Korea is ramping up it's Military and not being held in Check, Iran has just pushed through a Sham Election with little outrage from the White House, Violence in Iran and Afghanistan is getting Much Worse and no new ideas or plans.

I wonder why his numbers are starting to fall?

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