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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Senate Set to Block Obama Nominee

WASHINGTON (CNN) — The Senate Democratic leadership is preparing to lose a vote Wednesday morning on the confirmation of David Hayes as Deputy Secretary of Interior. If that happens, it would be the first time Congress voted to reject one of President Barack Obama’s nominees.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s spokesman, Jim Manley, told CNN that Democrats believe Republicans will vote in lockstep to block Hayes’ nomination, and therefore, it will fail.

Republican objections to Hayes appear to have little to do with him or his qualifications, and more to do with an Obama administration policy.

Specifically, Utah Republican Robert Bennett has been leading his party’s opposition to Hayes because of an Obama decision to cancel oil and gas leases in Utah.

“This is not about Hayes,” Bennett spokeswoman Tara Hendershott told CNN.

She says Bennett is blocking Hayes because the Department of Interior “has not provided any information he requested regarding the secretary’s unilateral decision to cancel the oil and gas leases.” - CNN News Story

That is so sad for poor little Obama's Nominee. Now the Obama Administration and the Democrats can see what it is like when the other shoe falls.

With the Obama Administration it is all about what you have done for me lately. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Mr. Obama, what have you done for me lately. Oh yea, YOU WON. Well maybe not this time.

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