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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Obama Reverses Course - Fights Release of "Torture" Photos

In a sharp reversal, President Obama announced Wednesday the administration will not to release hundreds of photos potentially showing U.S. military personnel abusing prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

A senior administration official told FOX News that Obama told his legal advisers last week that he did not feel comfortable with the release of the photos because he believes they would endanger U.S. troops, and that the national security implications of such a release have not been fully presented in federal court.

"Obama would be the last to excuse the actions depicted in these photos," the official said. "That is why the Department of Defense investigated these cases, and why individuals have been punished through prison sentences, discharges and a range of other punitive measures.

"But the president strongly believes that the release of these photos, particularly at this time, would only serve the purpose of inflaming the theaters of war, jeopardizing U.S. forces, and making our job more difficult in places like Iraq and Afghanistan," reads a statement from the White House. - FOX News Story

Here we go again. Another change from the Obama Administration. If these people ever thought something through it would be a miracle. They change their minds more than anyone I have ever seen.

How can anyone ever believe a word the President says? Sure he may say it, he might even mean it, but he has a pattern of changing his mind at any time. There isn't much of belief that he stands behind what he says.

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