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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Liz Cheney Blasts Obama for Siding with Terrorists

The daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State For Near Eastern Affairs Liz Cheney, took to the television airwaves today to assail the decision by President Obama to release photographs, as ordered by a judge, showing detainee abuse by American soldiers and/or CIA operatives in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"I have heard from families of sevicemembers, from families of 9/11 victims, this question about, you know, 'When did it become so fashionable for us to side, really, with the terrorists?'" Ms. Cheney said on Fox News Channel. "You know, for us to put information out that hurts American soldiers?"

Cheney said Obama administration officials "seem only to be interested in releasing things that really paint America in a negative light, and don't give the American people a full picture of what went on." - ABC News Story

From Day 1 Obama has done everything in his power to paint the US as a bad Country. Blaming almost everything that is wrong on the US and the Bush Administration. From the Economy to the War on Terrorism to the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars.

At some point, you have to stop and remember that it was the Terrorists who started the war! It was greed and the lack of discipline on many peoples part all around the globe.

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