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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Obama Team Pays back Supporters

(CNN) – Alaska State Sen. Kim Elton, one of the leading officials to pursue an investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin during the heat of the presidential campaign, has taken a high-level job in the Interior Department.

Palin reacted in a short statement Monday, the day Elton announced his move to Washington.

“Senator Elton pledged his allegiance to President Obama last summer,” said the governor. “We wish him well as he moves on and hope that he uses this job for Alaska’s benefit.”

Palin was the target of an official investigation last year over charges she improperly dismissed a public safety commissioner who refused to fire her sister’s ex-husband, a state trooper. Elton led the legislative investigation of the incident.

The report, released in October, said Palin had the authority to fire the public safety commissioner, and the governor said it cleared her of wrongdoing. But the report also said Palin had abused her power as governor, and had violated state ethics law.

Elton will serve as Director of Alaska Affairs at the U.S. Department of the Interior. - CNN

Look's like the Obama team is paying back the people who helped them along the way. All is fair in Love and Politics.

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