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Friday, March 6, 2009

Obama, The DOW Buster

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen faster under President Obama than under any new president in at least 90 years, according to a review conducted by Bloomberg.

Bloomberg reports that since Inauguration Day, the Dow has fallen 20 percent, leading at least one investor to dub this the "Obama bear market." The Dow has also dropped 31 percent since Election Day.

Despite a string of government bailout offers and Obama's advice earlier this week that Americans should be buying stock while shares are low, the Dow has continued to freefall.

Bloomberg reported that Obama is at risk of breaking a historical trend -- in which the Dow soars an average of close to 10 percent in the first year after a Democrat wins the presidency. - FOX News

I don't think that you can blame Obama for all of the drops in the DOW, but I do think that the smart investors are seeing the writing on the wall. They are seeing what so many people are trying to ignore, our Government is in real trouble.

We can't continue to spend the way we are and expect to recover strongly. At some point we are going to have to repay all of this money back. Just like running up Credit Card Debt, the payments will consume us. Higher Taxes are on the Horizon.

That and combining the massive expansion of Government that Obama has been planning it is just a matter of time before we find ourselves facing the same Bankruptcy problems that the big Corporations are facing.

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