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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Are you better off Now!

Are you better off than you were when Democrats took control of the House and Senate in 2007?

Facts about economy since Democrats took control of Congress in 2007. (FYI for all the Obama voters: House and Senate control spending and legislation. The president can only sign or veto their legislation)

1) Stock Market has crashed from 12,157 in November 2006 to below 7,000 today.

2) The night of the Democratic landslide election of 2006, the net worth of the country was roughly $50 trillion. It is now at least $6 trillion lower.

3) The federal budget deficit has soared from $165 billion in fiscal year 2007 to $486 billion in 2008 and could reach $1 trillion in 2009. (Pelosi ran on fiscal responsibility and lowering the budget deficit). If that were not enough, the Democrats are trying as hard as they can to spend another 900 Billion in the name of "Porkulus -er, stimulus"

4) In 2008, the economy lost a net total of 2.9 million jobs. That marks the biggest annual loss in US history.

5) Unemployment when Republicans had control in 2007 was 4.6%. Unemployment since Democrat control for House and Senate is 7.6%

6) The Department of Labor reported in July 2007 that the economy created jobs for 46 consecutive months (almost 4 years straight!). America added 132,000 jobs in June 2007 and the economy added more than 8.2 million new jobs (August 2003 to July 2007).

7) Since Democrat control: Historic job losses. The jobs lost so far since the recession began in December 2007 are the most of any downturn in the post-war period. About half the losses occurred just in the past three months!

8)The Democrats in Congress have been calling the shots for the past two years. Look where that?s gotten us.

9) Remember Nancy Pelosi's pledge to run the most ethical congress ever? More corruption scandals involving Democrats since 2007 than all of Bush's presidency! 3 Tax cheats in Obama's cabinet and more scandals in his first month than most President's have in their entire first term. (Mostly simple "mistakes' and "poor judgment" in Obama's own words)

10) Massive government bailouts of Democrat leaders banking buddies and insurance companies resulting in financial windfalls for Democrat financial friends of "troubled" companies -Corporate CEOs and their investor buddies.
Remember how crucial it was to do? Out entire financial system was going to colapse unless we did something NOW. How is it that we're still alive and a) most of the money hasn't been spent yet and b) of what has, the money hasn't even gone to what they said it would

11) Obama's broken how many of his "promises" already? No lobbyists in administration. Check. All bills to be open to debated on House and Senate floor for at least 5 days. Check. 7 total campaign promises broken already -that's a record!

12) There have been over 40 scandals already in his months long presidency. Here's a list so far http://conservativeamerican.org/dems-libs-socia...

I'm sure none of these facts matter to the Obama nation. Now we're going to see change all right. The Obama motto: We live in the greatest nation in history. Join with me as we try to change it. No, he didn't say it exactly, but it sure is "coming home to roost." - CBS News

I guess you ask and you shall receive. I just commented on how it would be nice to see some serious journalism about all of this and here it is. Fantastic job. I am sure that Obamanation is up in arms. CBS might lose their spot at the Obama table over this. Great job CBS.

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