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Monday, March 30, 2009

Afhanistan is now Obama's War

As I write this, it's been about 72 hours since President Obama official announced his new Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy.

The only thing everyone seems to agree on is that this is now "Mr. Obama's war."

He says it's "America's war," but we in the media have anointed it otherwise. He owns it.

Beyond that, no one I've spoken to has a clear view of what it actually is, or does. This plan tries to be all things to all people, and, as such, is proving to be a Rorschach test, eliciting varied responses from my subjects depending on their prior administration or combat experience. - CBS News Story

With Obama's announcement of his plan for the war in Afghanistan he now takes the ownership of it. He has backed off of the Iraq War and is letting Bush's war finish out as planned. (Although he kept his people happy by announcing a withdraw plan that was already in place before he took office)

With the Afghanistan war he has made the changes, he has committed to it and he owns it. If it works he gets the credit, if it fails he can longer go back and blame anyone.

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