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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Blaming Bush

For the last few years, all I hear is that everything is Bush's fault.

The Economy is Bush's fault, the Iraq war is Bush's fault, everything seems to be Bush's fault.

Lets start off with the Iraq War. How many people out there think that the Iraq War was a bad idea? Why was it a bad idea? Was it a bad idea because there was no Weapons of Mass Destruction? I personally don't think it was a bad idea. I think that it was mishandled in the beginning, but I think it was the right thing to do. I don't care if there was or wasn't weapons of mass destruction. Here was a tyrant, killing his own people. He was ignoring UN Resolutions that were put into place to get him to prove that he wasn't creating any weapons of mass destruction. He ignored them and for the longest time the World did nothing. We need to show that there are consequences to your actions. If the UN is just all words, why in the world would anyone care. You have to put action behind those words. The War wasn't Bush's fault, it was Saddam's fault.

Everyone says Bush lied about the weapons. Seriously, you think that every Intelligence agency around the world just went off of what Bush told them. I highly doubt that, there was entirely too many other Countries that agreed to the War for anyone to think that this was all a figment of one mans imagination. There was evidence and Saddam refuse to follow the UN Resolutions so that it could be refuted, not Bush's fault.

Now lets figure out this economy thing. I know that Bush was completely responsible for the banks mismanagement. Some 3-4 years ago he called for more oversight on them and Congress ignored it. That is Bush's fault, he should have kicked, screamed, yelled, started a war with Canada, something.

It is said that the President of the US is the most powerful position in the world. Low and behold it sure as hell must be. Bush has single handedly ruined not only all of the American Financial Institutions, mismanaged the Big 3 Automakers, but he has also collapsed the economy in Countries around the world. WOW, now that is power.

Oh, and by the way, don't forget that he caused Hurricane Katrina, remember that was his fault as well.

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