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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Questions Concerning Obama's Small Donors

Many questions continue to surface concerning the fund raising of Democratic Presidential Nominee Barrack Obama.

Not surprising with the huge dollars that the campaign has raised and spent, that there are questions concerning the legality of some of that money raised.

The Campaign reports they have received over $450 Million in contributions with a vast majority of that coming from donors who donated $200 or less. These small donations are key, as by law they do not have to be reported. However, research has revealed that several of these donors have donated more than what is legal. "Doodad Pro" of New York donated $17,130 in small increments, "Goodwill" of Austin has given $11,000. Both of these are illegal. They both far exceed the $2300 max for individual donations.

Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt said the campaign has no idea who the individuals are and has returned all the donations...

This summer, watchdog groups asked both campaigns to share more information about its small donors. The McCain campaign agreed; the Obama campaign did not. "They could've done themselves a service" by heeding the suggestions, said Massie Ritsch of the Center for Responsive Politics.

The questions continue to linger, Why won't they share the information? What are they hiding? When the information does become available and if there are illegal activities found, what do you do? Especially if they have won the election?

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