I heard the tape played on a local radio station, and I didn't seem to find it a "fake news controversy". Quite honestly I found it to say exactly what I have been hearing from Obama. He has said on many occasions that he believes that the Government needs to raise the taxes on the top 5% of Americans and give opportunity to the other 95%. We can argue as to whether or not he is taxing only the top 5% later. Read between the lines. If you are increasing the taxes on the top 5% and giving tax credits to the other 95% that is, and I quote Obama, "Spreading the wealth around." No matter how you phrase it, you are redistributing the wealth, you are taking money from someone and giving it to someone else.
This radio interview in 2001 essentially says the same thing. I posted that interview in an earlier post. listen
Now, for the tax issue. I am not sure how you can say that you are cutting the taxes on 95% of the people when you first plan to roll back the Bush Tax Cuts. Those tax cuts applied to more than just 5% of the American Population. So those peoples taxes would increase. I make far less than $250,000 a year and my taxes would go up. Obama's campaign says they are not raising those taxes, they are eliminated a tax cut not raising the taxes. hmmm. They also want to raise the Capital Gains tax, 33% of all Americans have money that would fall into this bracket. If you raise the Capital Gains tax aren't you in essence then raising the taxes on 33% of the population? Far more than the 5% you claim.
Listen to the tape. I believe you can make up your own mind about whether Obama truly believes in spreading the wealth around or not.
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