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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Talk Radio Still Doesn't Get It

As I just got back from Vacation I had on Talk Radio yesterday listening to the Local Conservative Talking Heads talk about Trump.  How he appeared to be softening his approach on deporting 11 million Illegal Immigrants.  They talked about how he is flip flopping and will lose support from his most hardened supporters. 

Caller after caller said that they didn't think he would lose support.  Caller after caller said how they understood that it was probably an UN-achievable goal, but a starting point to negotiate a better Immigration plan.

The Host continued after every caller to complain that he is flip flopping and this will cost him support.

I have spent the last week on vacation talking to people across the country about the election.  I thought that after listening to the Talking Heads on Talk Radio and the Mainstream Media that no one like Trump and he is going to get cleaned up in the election.  I was surprised to hear tons of support for Trump.  They like that he isn't politically correct.  They like that he isn't a politician.  They realize he is going to say things that a politician wouldn't, but that he will make common sense changes to the way things are and not be so tied up in the politics that have stagnated our Government. 

These Talking Heads that are whining about how Trump is going to lose and that the GOP should never had made them the Nominee are the problem with the GOP in the first place.  They don't appear to really care what the American People think or the GOP Voters.  They think that a relative few in the party should decide for the Majority.  The odd thing is, they don't want a Democracy at all.  They want to Dictate to the Majority who and what the party should stand for. 

In the Primary Trump Garnered almost 13 Million Votes.  Cruz was the next closest at almost 5 Million Votes.  Yet these Talking Heads want to go against the Majority.  Unless they really think the GOP only has 8 million voters (the total of all other votes in the GOP Primary).  If that is the case they are in real trouble.

Voters decide.  That is how it is meant to be.  Unless you are the Democratic Party and then you can pick your nominee and forget the voters.  Ouch!

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