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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bernie Sanders Statement about Hillary/Supreme Court Very Scary

Sen. Bernie Sanders said last night during his speech that if Hillary Wins she will put up Supreme Court Justices that will overturn Citizens United.

This would be a very dangerous thing for any Supreme Court to do.  It has always been the practice of the Court to abide by the decisions of the previous Supreme Court.  If you set a precedent of overturning those decisions the Country will be sent into Chaos.

Sure the Democrats might think it is a good idea as may many citizens, however you better be thinking of the big picture before you support this.

Why do you think Roe v Wade has been the law of the land for so long?  The court has been Conservative for quite some time and that decision has never been overturned.  Actually the court has used that decision to uphold attempts by conservatives to clamp down on abortion rights.  The exact same can be said for Gay Rights.  If the court sets precedent by overturning a previous decision then that opens the door for every court going forward.  Gay Marriage can be legal today and the next time the court turns over it is illegal, Abortion is legal today, but the court changes and it is illegal.  Our laws would be chaos and ever changing based on the makeup of the court.

This would be a very bad precedent for them to set.  Lets hope the short sighted politicians don't get their way.

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