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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Failed Obamacare Co-ops Cost us $1B

So the greatest accomplishment of the Democrats and President Obama is still eating away at taxpayer money?

Not only has it failed to lower rates, most people lost or had their current Insurance plans reduced in what they covered.  The old saying "if you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan", was simply not true at all.  Many people liked their insurance plan and they either lost it, had it changed dramatically for the worse, or they had to pay significantly more to keep it. 

Now we find out that 23 co-ops set up to handle insurance under Obamacare will fold and not provide insurance anymore.  We taxpayers funded them to the tune of $1 Billion that most experts say we will never get back.

So how is this Obamacare thing going?  I guess Nancy Pelosi was right, they passed the bill and we are seeing what it really was all about.

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