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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

What is Justice?

Over the past several weeks and months I have heard repeatedly that Justice must be served.

I have watched as Grand Juries have handed down their decisions, DA's have explained the legal reasoning and I still here Justice must be served.

Justice is just that, when the legal system looks over a case and hears from witnesses and decides on the legal course.

Just because it is not the outcome that you want, doesn't mean Justice hasn't been served.  It means you didn't get what you wanted.

We are no longer talking about Justice in these matters.  We are now talking about people who are unhappy because they didn't get the outcome they wanted.  They are throwing their temper tantrums and want us all to join in.

You may not agree with the Justice, and that is your right.  However that doesn't mean that it hasn't been served.  If you don't agree with the system then you need to go about changing it.  However in most of these cases if not all it appears that the left is fighting the left.  The decisions have all involved Democrats and it is vastly the left upset with those decisions. 

If the system is truly broke then you need to work to change it.  I agree it is broke, we just disagree in what parts are broke.  If we would quit putting criminals right back out on the street, we might actually make a dent in the crime. 

With that being said, Justice has been served in all these cases.  It may not be the Justice you want, but it has been served.  Now if you want to make a difference, let me tell you what many people apparently won't, marching through the streets trying to intimidate citizens, hurting businesses and blocking traffic won't do anything to help your cause.

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