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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Obama, Failed Presidency

For the last 5 years the Democrats have backed Obama wholly, with little question about his politics or stances on things.

The demonized the Republicans and anyone else who dared to question him.  The blasted Mitt Romney for his stances, called others racist for disagreeing with him.

Now here we sit.  Both of his former Defense Secretaries are calling him out. He has been benched by his own party for the midterm elections.  Hell, even former President Jimmy Carter is calling him out.

Look at all the issues around the globe today.  Are they all Obama's fault? Probably not, but did his policies make many of these problems worse?  Absolutely.

The Democrats are now pushing back on the President for some of these.  But the truth is, when a party puts politics in front of everything else this is what happens.  Be it Democrat or Republican.

Had the Democrats called him out on some of these earlier we may not be in such bad shape.

There has been a lot said about how the Republican Party is fractured and not in lockstep with each other.  That is a very good thing.  That is good that there are many in the Party that don't just agree because it is a Republican.  They are not locked into the Politics, but they fight for what they believe and not what their party tells them to believe.

This midterm election and the 2016 election will be major decisions by the voters in where the United States ends up.  The path that we are currently on is not sustainable.  We have lost much of the power we had around the world and our economy is nothing like what it used to be.  We have taken a drastic turn off course and these next two elections will be instrumental in putting us back on course or moving us further down the path we are on.

Obama has been disengaged with events for several years and we have seen events around the globe and right here at home blow up.  We now appear to be governing based on the current crisis instead of preventing them from happening.

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