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Friday, September 5, 2014

Would it be a Bad Idea to Impeach Obama?

There has been a lot of talk from the Left about the possibilities that the GOP could be looking to Impeach President Obama. 

Would it be a good or a bad thing? 

There is little doubt that Obama has done plenty of things that could lead to an Impeachment.  He has broken the Law and bypassed the Constitution on many occasions.  These are just opinions of the Right, but has also been backed by decisions of the Supreme Court.  Some of those decisions unanimously. 

But would it be a good thing to Impeach him?

First of all lets look at it as a Country.  Would getting Obama out be a good thing?  Yes it would.  He obviously has failed on many different levels.  He has put the Country in a bad position not only in terms of Domestic Policy, but his Foreign Policy has been a total disaster.  However, with that being said, would Biden take us in a better direction with the short time that he would take over?  It is a major issue that would have to be thought out prior to moving forward with an impeachment.  Obama definitely deserves to be kicked to the curb for his actions, but his removal may not really move us forward.

Now lets look at it Politically.  I can't really understand why the Democrats are so against his Impeachment.  It is no big secret that he is the reason that so many of them are in for a big fight on their own reelections.  Many refuse to be seen with him and have jumped ship and had to speak out against him to try and save themselves politically.  If he was removed it would quickly increase their political chances.  That also is a main reason why I think the Republicans won't move very quickly for his removal.  He is their biggest ally in elections.  With him at the head of the Democratic party they have the upper hand.  Any time that a Republican can align their opponent with Obama it will benefit the Republican candidate.

If there is going to be a move to Impeach him and or remove him from office it most likely will come after the midterm elections.  The Democrats for whatever reason will fight it.

I have said all along that in this next election for President the Republican Candidate will have the upper hand.  It is the way the history of elections go.  Who the Democratic Candidate is will not really matter.  The way the American Electorate feel about Obama and all the miscues and missteps will fall on the Democrats.  The same way that Obama got elected, anybody but a Republican after George W. Bush.  This time around it will be anyone but a Democrat.

If the early signs are any indication the Democrats are already in trouble.  Hillary Clinton it appeared had planned to use her book tour to get a head start on the election as she pushed for her turn at the White House.  She quickly found that she is no longer the Darling of the Left.  She made several missteps early and the public and press pounced.  She has quickly retreated back to the shadows presumably to try and regroup.

One thing is for sure, the next few months and years will be quite the roller coaster ride for politics in the United States.

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