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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thank Goodness for the Brits

It appears that the Prime Minister of Britain is taking the lead on the ISIS situation.  It is great that the United States has found a leader willing to take on the role to protect the world.  It has come abundantly clear that we don't have one in the President of the United States.

Obama has fallen flat and looks like a man totally confused and lost with what he should do in the face of all the issues in the world today. 

It is a blessing that the Prime Minister is willing to take on that role and lead.

I was watching yesterday during an interview with a leader in Britain who described the situation the best that I have ever heard.

He says that the rising of ISIS is their own fault.  They have forgotten that they are a Christian society and what that means.  They have taken it out of everything.

The same thing is happening now in the United States. 

The sad part is that we are watching this happen and not doing anything to reverse the trend.

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