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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Will the Murder of American Journalist Change the War on Terror?

News of the Murder of American Journalist James Foley has been hitting the World over the last 24 hours.  Is this a game changer for the war against IS?

Strangely many other Countries are taking this as more of a game changer than the U.S.

Obama who doesn't seem to be reacting with any sense of urgency while other countries have called for emergency meetings with their leadership and to take a closer look at IS. 

This should be a wake call for the U.S. along with the message and threat of IS against all Americans abroad.

Obama sold the uninformed American electorate the idea that the war on terror was over and that we needed to abandon Iraq and Afghanistan as quickly as possible.  We also needed to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay.   He released some of the most dangerous terrorist back onto the battlefield.  He was going to win the war on terror by apologizing for us Americans.

So how has that all worked out?  Here we sit in a world that is much more dangerous than when he was first elected.  He can no longer blame Bush and us mean Americans.  This is all on him and his policies.  He has not made the world anything more than a more dangerous place. 

The next President will have to spend years and tons of money that we don't have to try and give us a safer place to live. 

We have only ourselves to blame.  The majority of Americans have followed blindly and let this happen.  Believing that rhetoric and the misinformation. 

We now face a more aggressive foe in an ever changing array of dangers to the freedom Americans have died protecting around the world.  Russia has showed it's willingness to use military might to push it's way of life on neighbors.  We were warned of this and did nothing.  We believed Obama and criticized those who saw it coming.  We have failed to support our biggest friend and ally in the Middle East while it has endured attack after attack by Terrorist.  We allowed Terrorist to grow in Syria and take over large portions of Iraq.  Again we were warned but did nothing.  We closed our eyes and pretended it wasn't happening. 

Now we are in a position of hoping that other countries are willing to do what our leadership has failed and refuses to do, take it to these enemies and stop them before they get any bigger or more powerful.

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