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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Obama Administration Supports Hamas?

The Obama Administration gave every indication that it is supporting Hamas, a Terrorist organization, in the battle against Israel.

Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Israel and as he was handing over $47 Million in (wink, wink) Humanitarian Aid, the FAA was isolating Israel by banning flights into Tel Aviv. 

First of all, $47 Million in Humanitarian Aid?  The money was handed over to a Terrorist Organization who controls Gaza.  The same organization or hides it's rockets within schools as protection.  This organization uses it's citizens as human shields against attack, do we really believe they give a hoot about humanitarian aid?  Any human with a brain knows full well that this money will go strictly to funding their war against Israel.  So this begs to question, is this just plain incompetence on the part of the Obama Administration?

Second, why did the FAA stop all flights into Israel?  They claim it was because a rocket landed near the airport.  Really?  Why haven't we stopped flights into Ukraine?  A passenger jet was intentionally shot down there.  Who made the decision?  The State Department spoke on behalf of the FAA during a briefing so we can assume that they were involved in the decision.  Was this an attempt by the Obama Administration to put pressure on Israel in John Kerry's effort for a cease fire?

With all the events around the world and the responses by the Obama Administration one thing has become crystal clear,  This Administration has absolutely no clue what they are doing. 

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