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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Journal Sentinel Continues Attack on Walker

The Journal Sentinel continues to try and get the drum beat going against Gov. Walker.

Today on the front page, I guess they feel it news worthy to point out that a long time Walker aide has been put in charge of another department and being paid well.

If this is the stuff that is considered news, HELLO!!! Then why don't we see the daily updates on the Obama Administration and his putting his friends and donors in high paying jobs that they aren't qualified for?  Ambassadors who have never even been to the country that they are being nominated for who have any idea about the culture or people. 

Bias in the media is becoming a big problem on both sides.  It is making it harder and harder for people who actually care about what is going on to get the truth.  Every media outlet has to put their spin on it and try to convince you their version is the truth. 

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