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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Could Cuts to Social Security Help Close Budget Deficit?

Interest groups are sounding the alarm that President Obama's newly created debt commission could start hacking away at Social Security benefits in the name of closing the budget gap.

As the 18-member panel held its first meeting, top executives from seniors groups and other organizations called for full transparency in its negotiations in the months ahead and urged the commission to consider the implications of putting entitlement programs on the chopping block. Some activists also criticized the commission's co-chairmen for planning to attend a fiscal summit Wednesday in Washington hosted by billionaire banker Peter Peterson, known for his criticism of Social Security.

"Social Security is important not just to seniors, but to their children and grandchildren," Donna Butts, director of Generations United, said in a written statement. The National Council of La Raza noted the importance of the entitlement program to Latino communities. Paralyzed Veterans of America noted the importance of the program to veterans.

Roger Hickey, co-director of the Campaign for America's Future, said in a statement that Peterson's summit on Wednesday is part of an "endless campaign to gut Social Security and Medicare." - FOX News Story

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