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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chief Justice - State of the Union is a Pep Rally

Chief Justice John Roberts told students at the University of Alabama Tuesday that President Obama’s State of the Union address, in which he singled out a recent Supreme Court decision on campaign finance law for criticism, was “very troubling” and said the annual event has “degenerated into a political pep rally,” the AP reports.

Taking a question from a law school student, Roberts said anyone is welcome to criticize the court. “I have no problems with that," he said. "On the other hand, there is the issue of the setting, the circumstances and the decorum. The image of having the members of one branch of government standing up, literally surrounding the Supreme Court, cheering and hollering while the court - according the requirements of protocol - has to sit there expressionless, I think is very troubling."

Roberts also questioned the attendance of Supreme Court Justices at the State of the Union speeches. “I’m not sure why we’re there,” he said.

White House Secretary Robert Gibbs responded to Roberts in a statement Tuesday night, saying of the decision in the Citizens United case : “What is troubling is that this decision opened the floodgates for corporations and special interests to pour money into elections – drowning out the voices of average Americans. The President has long been committed to reducing the undue influence of special interests and their lobbyists over government. That is why he spoke out to condemn the decision and is working with Congress on a legislative response.” - Politico Story

What is troubling is that when a Republican shouts out "you lie" during a joint session of Congress at Obama, they cry foul over decorum. But when the "Chosen One" calls out the Supreme Court Justices outside of proper Decorum it is OK.

The President's Staff says he was saying what he believes, well!!!!! I don't think the "you lie" comment was out of left field.

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