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Monday, March 8, 2010

ACLU Attacks Obama in Ads

The possibility that President Obama could send the self-professed mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks to a military tribunal has earned him the highest insult from the left -- that he's another George W. Bush.

A full-page ad in Sunday's New York Times left no doubt as to how the American Civil Liberties Union feels about the possibility of the president reversing the decision to send Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his alleged co-conspirators to civilian court.

"What will it be Mr. President?" the ad asks in boldfaced type. "Change or more of the Same?"

In the middle of those words are four photos that show Obama's face morphing into Bush's.

"Many of us are shocked and concerned that right now, President Obama is considering reversing his attorney general's decision to try the 9/11 defendants in criminal court," the advertisement continues. "Our criminal justice system has successfully handled over 300 terrorism cases compared to only 3 in the military commissions."

The ad follows a series of reports that reflect a softening of the administration's position that the accused Sept. 11 architects must be tried in federal court instead of military tribunals.

The public softening is part of a test, a source told Fox News, to gauge how infuriated the left would be by reversing course. The White House knows Republicans like the idea of the tribunals being used -- and needs their support on other key national security matters -- but a shift on this issue could poison the waters between the president and the liberal base, as demonstrated by the ACLU ad. - FOX News Story

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