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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why is Health Care Passing?

There is only a single poll out there that shows support for Health Care Reform Bill. See RCP

That poll is the Gallup poll that shows it 49-46 in favor. I don't understand where they did their poll unless it was on Capitol Hill. Every other poll shows the Bill behind anywhere from 7-23 points.

So again, I will ask why is the Democrats so hell bent on passing it? Aren't they suppose to represent the will of the people? Are they really that far out of touch with their constituents?

I don't think that the people that are in Washington right now really understand the dynamic of America at this point. Obama rode into Washington not so much with a mandate as he thought, but an anti-Bush sentiment in the Country.

His numbers have plummeted in his first year and we have seen a lot of talk with very little action. Every action that has been taken has either driven up the National Debt, broken a promise of his campaign or went against conventional wisdom of the American People.

It is almost laughable to see those meat-heads in Washington when they try to blame misinformation for people being angry with them. Hello! You idiots are the ones with the misinformation. You are passing bills that you really have no idea as to what is written in them. You are bribing each other to get a vote.

The real shame is that it is US!!!! We the American People that are to blame for this colossal mess in Washington. For it is a collective WE that have sent this morons there. It is WE who continue to allow them to do this. It is WE who can't get past the R or D behind their names to pick the best person for the job. It is WE that won't stand up and fight for this Country.

The next time that you complain about what is happening in Washington DC maybe you should take a long look in the mirror, then look around you. These people didn't just walk in there and start doing this. WE ELECTED THEM!!!!

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