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Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti Still Waiting on Help

(CBS) "Where we are, the cavalry has not arrived," reports CBS News correspondent Jeff Glor from Haiti's beleaguered capital city Friday morning, four days after a massive earthquake brought the nation to its knees.

Glor gave a harrowing account of how, in some neighborhoods, bodies of the estimated 45,000 to 50,000 victims are piled high in the streets. "No one should ever have to see this."

Desperation and lack of any sort of official presence have led Haitians in Port-au-Prince to start converging on makeshift camps - one of them on a soccer field just a couple minutes walk from the airport. - CBS News Story

Obama is finding that all the criticism that he through at President Bush for his handling of the Katrina crisis is now going to be sitting on his door step.

In a Natural Disaster it is almost impossible to make things happen fast. You can fast track through some of the red tape, but you just can't fast track Mother Nature.

The aid is available and ready, as it was with Katrina. Just like Katrina you just can't get it in to the people who need it most.

Obama is learning a lesson that Bush learned during Katrina. You can want to help all you want. You can rally the troups and get the supplies, you just can't get it in to the people who need it in a timely manner.

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