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Thursday, October 29, 2009

White House Attack on FOX News starts to Unravel

Senior White House Adviser Valerie Jarrett said Wednesday evening that Fox News was an obviously biased television network but declined to comment on whether the same could be said of MSNBC.

Asked by CNN's Campbell Brown whether Fox had an ideological slant, Jarrett replied firmly: "Of course they're biased. Of course they are."

But the top aide quickly walked that statement back when Brown pressed her to judge MSNBC's political leanings.

"You know what, this is the thing. I don't want to — actually, I don't want to generalize all Fox is biased or another station is biased. I think what we want to do is look at it on a case-by-case basis. And when we see a pattern of distortion, we're going to be honest about that pattern of distortion," Jarrett said.

"What the administration has said very clearly is that we're going to speak truth to power," she continued. "When we saw all the distortions during the course of the summer, when people were coming down to town hall meetings and putting up signs that were scaring seniors to death, when we've seen commercials go up on television that were distorting the truth, we're actually calling everybody out. This isn't something that's directed at Fox." - Politico Story

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