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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dems Trailing in Most Election Polls

A slew of new polls released Tuesday showed Republican nominee Bob McDonnell with a comfortable lead in the Virginia governor’s race and Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine and Republican Chris Christie running nearly even in New Jersey.

Corzine trails Christie by three percentage points in the latest Rasmussen Reports poll and by four percentage points in the Public Policy Polling survey. The results of both automated surveys were released Tuesday.

Christie, a former U.S. Attorney, leads Corzine by 42 percent to 38 percent in the PPP poll of 630 likely voters. Independent candidate Chris Daggett won the support of 13 percent.

In the Rasmussen survey of 1,000 likely voters, Christie leads the Democratic governor by 46 percent to 43 percent, with Daggett attracting seven percent.

In his write-up of the survey, Rasmussen Reports CEO Scott Rasmussen concluded that at this point in the New Jersey race “there is no possible way to project what will happen on Election Day.”

In Virginia, both PPP and SurveyUSA released automated polls Tuesday showing McDonnell up by double-digits over Democratic nominee Creigh Deeds.

Deeds trails McDonnell by 17 percentage points—58 percent to 41 percent—in the SurveyUSA poll of 502 likely Virginia voters. In PPP’s Virginia survey, McDonnell leads Deeds by 12 points—52 percent to 40 percent. - Politico Story

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